Some things I've been doing.

I've worked on tons of little projects over this time but these are the ones that I'm most proud of. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved. Many other projects are under NDA and after the release will be shown here 🚀



    Web Page

  • NDC Nominations

    Leading a team in the development and integrations of a nomination platform within the NEAR Blockchain Operating System

    Web Page

  • Leslie AI

    Leading a team in the development of an AI recommender system that analyzes the NASDAQ market

    Web Page

  • Byte Finance

    On Development

    Web Page

  • 4MyFuture

    Developing Smart Contracts for helping students to reach funds for their careers


  • Owling Protocol

    Creating Smart Contracts that help project leaders to understand and hear their community

    Web Page

  • Mintos NFT

    Creating architecture and NFT Marketplace inside the NEAR protocol blockchain

    Web Page

  • Stake Wars III

    Collaborating on the developing of the NEAR Stake Wars


  • Milktech

    Migrating Web2 to Web3

    Under NDA